Shift Soil Remediation

Shift Soil Remediation UK brings a breakthrough in the science of remediating contaminated soils to the market. Our system was developed after extensive research and testing of other remediation technologies and was designed to overcome their deficiencies; and we do this to a degree no other commercially available remediation system can match. Nevertheless, our process machinery is comparatively simple in design and application, based entirely on proven treatment products and processing components.

Processing capacity: We have the capacity to remediate 160 metric tonnes per hour per machine and have the capacity to deploy more than one machine per site.

Size and mobility: The process equipment is about the size of a large 4x4 and is completely mobile on-site and self-propelled with setup within hours of first arriving. We are cost-effective on projects of all sizes, even high density areas. Space need only be large enough to accommodate the treatment apparatus, a loader and a place to deposit the treated soil.

Method of treatment: Our process equipment is designed to work with any soluble decontamination reagent or microbial culture that has been suitably prepared and mixed according to our proprietary methods. This flexibility means we can select (working with the client and the regulatory agency involved) the most effective and suitable treatment agent for each specific contamination problem, taking into account soil type, condition, temperature, etc. This flexibility makes it possible for us to guarantee our work.

Treatment results: Our process can destroy or render environmentally inert (by chemical bonding or degradation) almost any soil contaminant and produces results quicker than other methods. For example, the biological treatment is capable of producing desired results in days, not months.

Environmental impact: The reagent solutions we use are biodegradable and do not pose any threat to the environment. There are no negative environmental by-products and no excess heat as there isn’t any thermal process involved. Our equipment produces no more noise or exhaust gases than would a moderate-sized gasoline generator and we produce no hazardous materials or toxic sludge needing removal and treatment.